Educational Benefits Applications for Free or Reduced Meals:
In March of 2023, the Legislature and Governor Walz signed into law a bill that provides free lunch for all students in the state of Minnesota through June 2025. This means that all students who wish to are able to eat meals at school and can receive a lunch and breakfast at no cost each day. There is still a great need for families to fill out the Free and Reduced Application as it will qualify families for the S-EBT program which offers family funds for summer meals for students who qualify. Information on the S-EBT program is available here: https Your application also helps your students as they pursue college through reduced ACT fees and additional scholarship opportunities that are available to qualifying families. Additionally, Nevis High School activities and athletics are FREE of cost to our families. The school district has been able to use compensatory revenue funds from the state to defray the cost of these activities. This is directly tied to our percentage of free and reduced qualified students.
We ask that you apply today online or in person for Free and Reduced meals. The online application can be found at The online application is a secure, confidential, and an easy way to see if your family qualifies and to get signed up. Paper applications are available in the high school office.
An application may be submitted or resubmitted any time during the school year. If you have a change of income, add additional members to your household, etc., your application can be reviewed for possible status changes.
Taking a few moments to submit the application benefits your child, our school and our community. Please call Tom at 218-652-1202 for further assistance.
Information regarding the Application for Educational Benefits
Free and Reduced Lunch Application (printable form)
Directions for Completing Free & Reduced Application on SchoolPay
Link to SchoolPay (to complete Free and Reduced Lunch Application Online)